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Hello, my name is Jen Thirlaway and I am the SENCo at Hazel Grove Primary School. At Hazel Grove our team are committed to ensuring that children are happy to come to school, they feel safe and secure within our school environment and they know their ‘go-to’ adult to seek out when times get tough. I pride myself in our open-door policy and take great pleasure in supporting families and carers ensuring their children have the very best of opportunities available to them.

My years of experience as a teacher have shaped a teaching philosophy that guides how we support all children to succeed in the classroom and beyond. As outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2014 we believe it is imperative that learners with SEND have their needs identified early and any reasonable adjustments, interventions or support are provided at the earliest opportunity so that our children with SEND can make expected and better than expected progress academically and we continue to close the gap between non-SEND children with their achievement of end of year expectations. We teach our children to become independent learners, and resilient and confident members of the community preparing them for moving toward High School and their journey into adulthood.

“At Hazel Grove Primary School, we strongly believe that it is our responsibility to prepare our pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them become successful, happy and confident learners and citizens; we aim to inspire our pupils so that they believe that they can achieve.”

At Hazel Grove our team believe that knowing our children and forging positive relationships with our children is the first step to understanding how they learn. Quality First Teaching through our Universal model is the first next step in supporting children who may have SEND. If a child is deemed to require ‘additional to and different from’ a graduated approach using the Universal Model is implemented. When we have exhausted every avenue, I, along with the view of the child and the partnership of parents and carers will draft up tailored interventions and strategies to personalise learning even further. There will be the opportunity for a range of teaching and learning approaches and experiences as well as additional support through adaptive teaching, small group work, 1:1 support, intervention groups and additional activities in order to enhance their learning and in order for them to succeed. They will learn in an environment that allows them to achieve their full potential with specialist resources or equipment if required.

We firmly believe that all children are entitlement to be educated alongside their peers. As an inclusive community, we are deeply committed to removing the barriers to learning. Inspired by our Growth Mindset attitude and values of equality and opportunity is reality for all our children within school. Our dedicated team work tirelessly to ensure that all children have the right to a fulfilling learning experience, regardless of need. Our Accessibility Plan and Information describes how we strive to achieve this.


At Hazel Grove Primary we believe that all children have a right to a full and rounded education which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum to better respond to the four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice (September 2014):

• Communication
• Cognition
• Social, mental and emotional health
• Sensory/Physical 

Our SENDCO is Miss J Thirlaway.

Our named governor for SEND is Mr M Saxon

Any member of staff, including the SENDCO, can be contacted on 0161 483 3699

Miss Thirlaway can also be contacted at send@hazelgrove-pri.stockport.sch.uk